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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > Compounded Adventures
2/24/2012 3:01:49 AM
I would like us to explore the chance to be able to continue into a second adventure with the same group, no changes to anything(equipment) and keep the exp pool going.
Reaching the designnated exit and having defeated all opponents, you can "exit" or "go further". the "go further" would be to keep everything the same but go up in difficulty by one. Each lvl completed gives it own 1.1, plus the difficulty from each one completed, plus the pool of exp.
This could also work in randoms, but the risk would be very very great.

I honestly think I am awesome atm for thinking of this.

Come on, tell me this isnt awesome

As I think of this a bit more, it could even be more complex if wanted. This could be the platform used to get everyone to try mythic adventures. The ability to use markets could be put in like wells(or somewhere there in). Continuing would always be a gamble, but from where I stand, no more than clicking "start adventure"

2/24/2012 8:13:32 AM
its awesome.

2/24/2012 1:32:34 PM
i like it.

the only downside i see is that it rewards starting with easy adventures so you can compound difficulty multipliers. i would hate to have an incentive to run easier (& more boring) adventures and build up to Mythic if i have a group that can jump right in. (it would suck if it somehow rewarded running many consecutive adventures that are too easy for you but don't do much damage over a couple very hard ones that leave you near death.) but i assume that can be sorted out with appropriate reward scaling, and i like the idea of being able to push yourself.
Dark Realm
2/24/2012 3:36:41 PM
me likes
2/24/2012 11:49:01 PM
Okay, I can see where your initial thought comes from Clap, but I dont se how this would be any different than running a bunch of simples all in a row. Yes, it is true, it is easy to get exp with no risk, a few of us around here know of this. That is not the spirit though, and no sense burdening the spirit due to those not willing to comply.

We could however alter this by making everyone, EVERYONE start on adventures at the intro rate, and work their way up.
Although if this were to be the case, there would have to be a definative "room" variance put onto each lvl of adventure.
For instance, an intro can have no less than 7, and no more than 15. Simple, no less than 8, no more than 18. So on and so on as to not make it retardededly hard to hunt downj 2 xp like we sometimers have to do atm;P

Thats my take on it, anyone else?

2/25/2012 1:13:16 AM
Sounds like a good idea. Everybody is going to have to get potion harnesses and randy is going to have to code treasure mules.
2/25/2012 7:18:18 AM
Clappy's concern is legit. Jumping into a high level mythic (or even dangerous) can be exciting, but slogging through a few simples is very boring. I would not want to reward people for ever choosing to run adventures at easier levels than they are capable of running.

But I do like the "press your luck" aspect. Of course for some parties, just running a mythic at all is "pressing their luck."

So I guess I'd be looking for a way to get the same ironman feel in a way that avoids forcing people to play too-easy adventures or rewarding them beyond the actual difficulty they end at. For instance, there could be a voluntary "ironman" setting or whatever when you set up your adventure that would make it 2x (or more) in length with no mid-adventure exits. Or even standard length but with no mid-adventure exits and no fleeing allowed. THAT one would be worth more xp. Though pointless at lower difficulty settings since again, I don't want to give more rewards to people who kill swarms of easy monsters -- the high rewards should go to people fighting the more challenging monsters (i.e. higher difficulty). Maybe a setting beyond mythic, a "hero" setting or something that was essentially what I just outlined: a double-length mythic with no fleeing or early exits. That would surely be worth an extra treasure and xp multiplier!

2/25/2012 7:48:27 AM

I like it too. But what if we drop the introductory to mythic and just pick the difficulty level we need. A new guy is limited to level 1. After you go further thay can start at 1/2 there max adv lvl.

As for the risk of easy, it is just not doable. I have to do vary easy. My healers just can not keep up and on normal I die alot! all most no one gets to level 2. The free nudist just make poore adventures.

All so picking the type of monsters would be a big help. My good necromancer just can't find any undead, he can nuck a full army. But my new guys with only a heirloom knife find alot. I lost 3 guys trying to punch some Skeletons.

Dragon Masters
2/25/2012 3:24:36 PM
You can adjust the xp they get as they go further.. looks more like making it so you dont have to restart dungeons every time you finish one. Even without the xp modifier, it would be nice to continue without having to re do the party. One suggestion is to have it ask AFTER you sell items. Nothing like being loaded down with things slowing you down even further. Another set of levels could be legendary, then godly.
2/27/2012 4:17:33 PM
After reading all this, I can agree with Randy's and Clap's opinion of it. My intention of starting this post was not to make it easier for people to run intros and such and make more exp with no extra risk. My intention was nothing more than for an ability to push my heroes one step further.

The idea of compounding the pool of exp and the completion multi would end up being a small benefit, given due to the fact you were willing to do it with no modifications to your characters. As for the being burdened down with equipment, I would suggest the auto-sale still goes through inbetween lvls.

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