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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > quick parties
Dragon Masters
3/1/2012 10:57:33 AM
When you delete a quick party, the create a quick party option isnt there, you need to deselect/select another unit in order to bring it back. Not a real big deal, but if all you are doing is moving some people around in the current party, this can be annoying.
3/2/2012 8:39:05 PM
hey Dragon - i use Quick Party a lot - instead of deleting the quick party - if you just deselect the ones you are removong and then select some new ones, the quick party option will be there again
Dragon Masters
3/3/2012 9:10:13 AM
As I said, it isnt a real big deal, just saying it happens. Only way I found out was by trying to move people around in a party, ie the game loves setting certain groups on top of the creatures most likely to kill them.

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