Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > brass knuckles
4/6/2012 12:32:45 PM
Legion, FYI seems the damage skill benefit from brass knuckles is not being reflected in the damage section of the character sheet. See char Bruce Lee. Not sure if actual damage done is being impacted.
4/6/2012 1:19:32 PM
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The error was occurring because you had the damage skill unlocked but no levels besides the item. This was incorrect and I have fixed it, and your damage is showing d19 correctly now. You had characters on an adventure so I couldn't check battle, but please check when you get a chance and if it is not showing d19 in the character box or when it prints attack messages for him, please let me know. Thanks!
4/9/2012 12:49:17 PM
yes it is showing now

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