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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > Missing xp points
5/9/2012 2:29:54 PM
Okay, I have been having some xp not distribute as it should. I thought the new "hero naming" system was not in effect yet, if I am wrong in that, please disregard this post.

I just ran a run that netted 110.9 xp points in total after multis and the 6 people I had out on the run each only got 9.2 xp each. ??

Just an update, even at Heroic, my guys are not getting full xp. Must be a glitch somewhere.

Dark Realm
5/9/2012 4:23:20 PM
same i just ran a hard adventure that netted me a total of 78 XP and got a total of 39 XP between the charcters. and the front page does say "A new hero rating has been added for each character. This is displayed below the person's name on the character page. While it has no current effect, it will in the future."
5/9/2012 4:28:37 PM
Hi, thanks for pointing that out. I'd coded up the new system but I thought it was only implemented for my clan. Instead, its apparently for everyone. I'll put it back how it was. We don't want you all getting bonuses yet, do we! Sorry 'bout that.
Dark Realm
5/9/2012 4:35:47 PM
ttthhhppptttt :)
5/9/2012 4:37:06 PM
lmao, thanks Legion
5/9/2012 4:56:35 PM
FYI, the adventure rewards are based on what your rating is before the end-of-adventure stuff gets processed. So if you saw heroic but were only brave when the adventure started, you get the rewards for brave (x0.75 xp). Your next adventure will give you heroic rewards .. even if it drops you to a lower level. Maybe not ideal, but a lot less database updating if it can just record everything at once after the end-adventure is processed. I added some messages announcing when you change categories and hopefully that will make it a little more obvious what is going on. btw -- this will probably be live relatively soon, since its all working correctly. Adjustments to what hidden "hero score" lands you in what reward category can be made in the future, but theres not a big reason to hold off on letting you all play w/the new rules that I can see. Maybe in a day or two.
5/9/2012 4:58:38 PM
I am all for this, this is great. I even agree with it changing per adventure sort of thing. That would definitely keep people unning harder adventures.
5/9/2012 5:16:45 PM
Finally something that might work and not annoy everyone :)

From personal testing, I have definitely found that I am WAY less willing to just flee from a bad encounter now, knowing that my hero score will suffer. In fact I lost a guy today because of not fleeing when I would have yesterday. Its working!

UPDATE: I also added some useful info when you onmouseover on the hero rating word itself.

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