Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > ok - i am both dumb and lazy...

5/31/2012 6:23:42 PM
what does the legendary /mythic/ etc rating do exactly for the characters? I cant seem to find anything on it.
Dragon Masters
5/31/2012 10:01:40 PM
I asked this question in the better idea? thread. I would like to know. Legion said he didnt want to force people into running certain levels, but the whole hero thing does just that. It needs to be based on the characters level or even cv, instead of the start screen levels.
5/31/2012 11:51:51 PM
if you put pointer on the level on your character data sheet it will tell you. Legendary will give you 100% xp and 50% better chance to get skills from adventure, mythic 100% and 100%.

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