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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > Spooks scaring characters they cant see
6/5/2012 1:51:47 PM
Not sure if this was intentional, had spooks who could not see my characters (I checked to see if they could see the spooks)keep scaring them away. I was engaged with another party. Or is it possible that characters can be seen but can see monsters in return?
6/5/2012 1:57:15 PM
have not had them flee yet when they could not see the spooks but maybe the spooks are moaning and they can be heard... :)

6/5/2012 5:34:56 PM
This and also if one party drinks from a poisoned well Everyone gets poisoned...
6/5/2012 7:10:29 PM
DC - the wells are sort of either good or bad but everyone gets a hit. Could be getting hp restored, sp restored, bonus skill points or poison - or could be nothing at all (just refreshing). The ones i dislike are the empty ones that you use up your spell point casting water and they either stay empty or then you poison yourself :)
Dragon Masters
6/5/2012 9:58:27 PM
you can refill wells if they go dry?
Dark Realm
6/6/2012 6:52:26 AM
create water spells have a 20% or so of refilling a dry well. as for drinking from wells unless you are desperate and are willing to risk poison wells it can be best to use wells after u are sure everything has been killed and have found the exit. if 100% sure no monsters left and you can exit best is to seperate the party and have people at each well. can then try drinking from each if posioned you can exit and only take minimal damage. (rem you wont need to flee if its a bad dangerous poison if all monsters are dead and you have found the exit)

6/6/2012 5:38:14 PM
I also noticed that the skill wells have been changed so that they dont just affect a specific alignment - iirc
Dark Realm
6/6/2012 8:07:34 PM
yes everyone in adventure recieves the 1 skillpoint if its that type of well

6/7/2012 4:48:55 PM
It used to be an alignment thing - like "all NE party members get 1 skill point" things like that - i like the new way :)

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