Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > Technical
7/1/2009 3:26:21 PM
The forums are a good place to start. What categories need be added?

8/6/2009 4:30:57 PM
Well, you've got technical, strategy, and general, how about an off topic, just to get a few more people to check them more often..And unless you want a bunch of Q&A in the technical forum, a players helping players board, or rename technical to that?
8/6/2009 6:02:51 PM
I like both those ideas, I'll add them as soon as I get the new server set up.

1/3/2010 2:50:30 PM
any chance of in game communications between clans?
1/3/2010 4:55:28 PM
Excellent idea. In fact, this will become very important in the future when you can attack other clans.

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