Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > if you really wanna make adventures harder

9/23/2012 1:29:36 PM
Put like a 5 minute timers on the game, that will automatically advance a turn after 5 minutes. This would increase the higher level characters danger levels, without making the lower level runs more dangerous. No more sitting for hours making a decision. This would also go along the lines of 'not making the game easy'. This will go along with the hero scores, random monsters in levels, and such to avoid stagnation of people running 'levels lower then the characters should run' theme.
9/24/2012 2:22:37 PM
people take hours to make a move??? i think my longest move may have taken a couple of minutes! lol
9/26/2012 8:13:58 PM
I've been considering my next move for 5 weeks.
9/27/2012 4:25:41 PM
I am on the same side as Clap with amount of time potentially taken to make a move. I have taken weeks to decide what to do. A timer would make me less willing to play.

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