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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > Character creation
11/5/2012 4:26:45 PM
When creating a new character, we are allowed to see the stats like strength, dexterity, etc etc, but we are not able to see the hp and sp. Being able to see the hp and sp would make choosing class much smoother.

Or is it calculated based on the class I pick?

11/5/2012 9:26:33 PM
highly likely influenced by the class - spell casters generally have loew hit points compared to fighter classes (and Yeoman seem to be all over)

11/6/2012 8:06:42 AM
I agree. It would be good to know weither a new character would have the hp of a fighter BEFORE you make them so. 3 hp is garbage for a fighter. Same thing with sp. A mage should have more then 5 sp to start. We know there isnt gonna be a increase in the base for them, but atleast seeing if its even worth the shot could be put in there.
11/6/2012 4:57:28 PM
Night, thats exactly what I was getting at. I am so tired of picking a melee class and getting 4 hp and 21 sp, vice versa for casters.
11/9/2012 5:22:22 PM
PiGuys is correct. The class you pick determines the hp/sp range.

11/10/2012 6:21:57 AM
figured that, since most rpg's have certain die rolls for fighter types, while spell casters use another. I doubt this will fly, but can (would) you put in a mimimum hp/sp dependant on class?

I dont know about anyone else, but would prefer higher hp then sp on a fighter, and vise versa with mages. Hehe.. maybe even an option to change one for the other like a rate of 2 points to be pulled for one point of the other..

11/10/2012 9:06:49 PM
The ones i don't find useful, use as frontline cannon fodder - they will weaken up the monsters, and some actually do make it to lvl 2 and get much better, lol I had spellcasters have 20+ sp and only have "harden" as a spell or"unveil dungeon" (or no spells) - been using them as frontline troops and they are actully now 2nd lvl and all have useful spells now. The unhealthy fighters, they tend to die early on but at no greater rate than healthy non fighters

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