Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > creatation of too big groups
11/23/2012 3:20:07 PM
Not sure why this is happening so any help Legion would be appreciated. Question is if I have a premade group that is in two parties and on the group set up they are of legal size why would they not show up that way in an adventure? Lost 4 characters because the group was too big and they could not move the 1 hex to get to green exit. Follow up, why does it seem to happen to the higher level groups more often? THanks

11/24/2012 4:02:02 AM
I dont use set parties, but have had this happen quite a bit on the start. The first time was an really small dungeon. Other times there shouldnt have been a problem. You can also make a group too large while on an adventure. Had a few times doing that as well. Had posted about this a while ago.

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