Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > brimestone bracelet
1/5/2014 2:40:39 AM
Legion, I equiped a character that did not have fire magic skill with a brimestone bracelet. The character did not get the ability of fire magic 02 that the bracelet gives. Is this only to augment characters that have fire magic skill? Thank you
1/6/2014 1:41:43 PM
Magic skill augmentation will let you cast your spells at a higher skill level. This means less failure chance and less SP cost, among other things. It does not unlock new spells for you. So if you had no fire magic skill at all, you will not gain access to any fire spells with the brimstone bracelet.
1/23/2014 8:11:11 AM
I see thank you for the clarification.

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