Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > New screen layout
7/18/2015 5:32:39 PM
Since most screens these days have a wider aspect ratio than when I began MW, I've changed the layout of the adventure screen to be more "wide-friendly."

Let me know how this works out. I tried it on a couple different monitors and I've got to say, it was sort of annoying. BUT I think that is just because I'm not used to it yet. Having the extra space for the text log window is pretty nice, and was the whole point of rearranging it.

I realize only the active group of characters shows now -- this is intentional and cuts down on the amount of character boxes that need screen real estate. Any monitor with 900 height or less of resolution (smaller laptops, for example, and I imagine most tablets) probably want to put the browser in "full-screen" mode (press F11) or else some of the monster boxes may only be half visible.
7/19/2015 7:20:21 AM
Legion I would switch the text window to the left and the "command" window to the right. People read left to right so I find myself going thought each character then have to go back to the left side of the screen to process next turn/orders. It might flow better if they were switched. Also every time move or continue is hit there is a noticable redraw happeneing. (top line of characters shrink then expend) Very annoying.
7/29/2015 7:01:03 PM
redraw issue is back

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