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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > MP in adventures not same as on Character info
11/11/2016 11:30:25 AM
Legion, Nice to see you working on this again! I understand it in process but can you please look into MP during an adventure? average movement rates are below what expected. Having MP of 2 for party when the lowest MP per character was showing 5 or greater. Thank you. Seawolf
11/11/2016 6:36:43 PM
Hi, the MP on the character page is the "new" formula, but the adventures are still using the old one. I am in the process of getting the new MP calculations (as well as reach and combat space) into the adventures right now. I'll write up a detailed explanation once I'm through with all of it, but just to give you an idea...

There will be four types of movement.

Sprinting: this is the listed, maximum MP. 10 fatigue checks per turn!

Running: Half listed MP. Somewhat sustainable for characters with good constitution and endurance. 3 fatigue checks per turn.

Normal: 1/4 listed MP. Standard moving, just like the current system, with just 1 fatigue check per turn.

Slow: 1/6 listed MP. No fatigue checks.

Movement and combat are really going to be a lot different soon. The idea of "groups" will probably change a lot too, being more fluid and easier to use with no hard limits on group size -- but lower combat efficiency if you put too many people together. I expect most players will probably be moving as a single group outside of combat regardless of how many characters you have, but only moving 1 square per turn will be typical. Once battle starts, characters (and monsters) will start spreading out to optimize their combat space.

As I get more of this implemented, I'll try to keep you updated.
11/11/2016 10:09:08 PM
Thank you
Mlear Rouy Eman
5/19/2018 7:23:45 AM
Mlear Rouy Eman
5/19/2018 12:38:38 PM
I once had an adventure party with MP of 1 and who didn't recover all MP after resting. Bug or feature?
5/30/2018 5:21:55 PM
Almost certainly fatigue.

Everyone should be able to move at least 1 when fatigue is 0. But overloaded guys can easily drop to zero with their first point of fatigue.

Next time you're in the post-adventure store, sell stuff to bring his MP up.

Don't forget you can also move as your combat action. From the action window choose "move north" or whatever it is called, and even with 0 mp if you get an action (i.e. your speed isn't massively negative) you'll move.

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