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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > am i missing something?
6/16/2017 3:29:49 PM
I seem to be having several instances of characters with no options. Characters that when clicked upon there is only "data". I cannot change actions I have tried logging in/out but nothing. After several rounds it seems to fix itself.. Is there something in game that does this? Did I miss some sort event affecting the character? The characters still continue with there set actions ie. fighting, equipping etc
6/17/2017 12:07:33 PM
I've never seen that and it shouldn't happen. If you like, next time it happens you could just leave it as is and give me time to investigate. I'd say it might be a character-specific bug but if you've seen it multiple times it might be something more systemic.
6/17/2017 4:24:15 PM
It is currently on the character Salmale and was previously on Liepawtaidra. Only 2 times I have seen this. Both in this adventure
6/17/2017 4:44:45 PM
I see!

It is happening because that persons effects take up more than 1 line in the character box. To make room, I hide the action button.

You can still (as always) call up the action window by clicking the portrait of the character. I can see why this is confusing for players who usually click "action" instead of the picture. I'll try to figure out a way to make it more clear.
6/18/2017 7:25:09 AM
ahhh ok didn't remember you could click on the picture thanks o7

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