Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > spell list?
6/18/2017 8:09:56 AM
is there still a spell list somewhere? for some reason I cannot seem to find it anymore could have really helped to know more I had thought having detect portal and detect map would have worked up stairs missed chance to escape with huge party cause it didn't
6/18/2017 11:16:28 AM
There isn't a spell list right now. The detection spells do work up/down stairs. The listed radius is a sphere centered on the target character. The low level ones are fairly limited in radius, but still rather useful, I find. I'll put "publish a spell list" on my priority list.
6/18/2017 2:13:02 PM
had a guy within radius then that didn't detect a exit then. was beside stairs, up the stairs and 1 move west was a exit it never appeared. as for spell list wouldnt the old spell list with a few tweaks?

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