Mythic Forum

Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > the dismiss button and effects on the Dark Cloud clan

3/29/2010 8:25:06 AM
Thanks for adding the dismiss button- I was one of those players that would ill off people if I thought they were not good- this took time and it was frustrating not being able to just let someone go :)

The dismiss button has allowed me to be more selective- not just for stats- those are really secondary-


This has meant that I can get larger parties going and have a much better survival rate (at least it feels that way).

So- good addition-

one request though? the dismiss button is in a place that it is easy to click through to when assigning skills- I have lost a couple of people that way- can you move it to a more inconvienient location or add an "are you sure?" secondary click to it :) thanks Legion-

toscotto out

4/3/2010 4:53:47 PM
Oh yeah! the changes to the encounters, te re-roll, and the dismiss are allowing more characters to advance. DarkCLoud has more lvl 3 characters than ever before. Sadly my samurai ate it just before getting to lvl 3. (not really going to miss that turd- with the re-roll he had a 2 charisma and was eeeevil- when most of my guys are neutral in flavor...)

toscotto out

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