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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > New map-based adventures
5/4/2010 1:32:58 PM
There are a lot of changes here, the best way to learn about them is to try a few. You might want to step down a level or two initially until you get comfortable with them, but you should find that they are not inherently more dangerous than existing adventures.

Here are a few of the more noticable changes so far:
  • Tournaments and missions are unchanged. These specialized adventures still use the old format, and will be upgraded when I get a chance.
  • The number of encounters is more variable. The average # of encounters will still be 1.0 per adventure level, but the extremes are uncapped. You might see just 1 encounter in a level 9, or 20 encounters in a level 5. Granted these are very rare extremes, but be aware that there is more variability here.
  • Encounters get tougher as you progress. There will usually be many different paths to take while exploring a dungeon, but you will find that generally speaking the easiest encounters will be near the entrance, while the further you explore the more difficult they will get. The hardest encounter will always be in or near the final room (darker red on the map)
  • Stairs. There are stair icons where you can change floors. Use them by clicking the identical stairs icon on the navigation panel. In general, the more difficult encounters will be on lower floors.
  • Treasures are scattered around the map. There is no longer a generic treasure room at the end where bonus coins are awarded. Instead, treasure piles are scattered throughout the map. These will usually be low-value items or just a few coins, but on rare occasion you will find incredibly valuable items this way.
  • Multiple monster groups. Its rare, but sometimes you'll encounter more than one monster group at a time.
  • Exits. This is a major difference. You can't just leave any time you like. Starting an adventure is a 1-way affair, and in order to return home you have to find an exit. There will always be an exit in the final room, and often there will be a few more scattered about. The larger the dungeon, the more exits it is likely to have. Note that you can always just set all your characters to flee and click continue until they're gone, although this incurs an XP loss and no treasure will be recovered.
  • When you encounter monsters, there is no longer a group-flee button. If you want to flee from an encounter that has detected you, you must use the individual flee actions to escape.
  • The chance of successfully fleeing has been somewhat altered. In general, it may be a bit easier, but large groups will be harder to escape from. Although this is more realistic, it is also more dangerous, since often those are the times you are trying to get away.
  • Encounters no longer come to meet you. When you are staying in one location, you can click continue as many times as you like without any danger of more encounters starting. This is another major change, as it allows for healing, repairing, and preparation to occur safely between encounters.
  • Monsters will consider all their attacking and spellcasting options now. Orc clerics for example may choose to fight rather than heal, and enemy wizards will not necessarily use up all their SP as fast as possible.
  • You can return to the main page any time you like (button in the bottom-right corner). A round will never pass anymore just by reloading the adventure screen, so there is no danger when putting adventures on hold or viewing other screens.
  • Poison wells might be more dangerous. Before, you could instantly end an adventure at any well, but that is not the case now unless an exit happens to be there. Thus, be careful drinking from wells if you haven't located an exit or do not have the ability to heal poison.
  • The actions window is now hidden until you click a character icon or action button. It will dissapear again when any action is selected. This was to save space on the screen. If you want to close the action window without changing your selection, there is a close me link on the top-right edge.
  • The detect encounters spell has been replaced with four different spells that reveal different amounts of the map(s) in different levels of detail. The basic spells show only the current floor, while the full spells will show all floors of the current dungeon. If you enter a lair, its a different dungeon so you would need to recast those spells to see the maps without having to explore them.
  • Lairs will often have a final treasure pile in the end-room, and lair kills and XP data will be added to the end-of-adventure numbers now.
  • You can view the map (if you've explored it) of other floors by clicking the +/- icons on the navigation panel. Clicking the red X in the center of the nav panel will always recenter the map on your party.

I'm sure there are many, many other little things you'll find that are different, I just wanted to mention a few off the top of my head. I hope you enjoy the new format, and please feel free to post any questions here and I will answer them as I see them. Good luck!

5/4/2010 10:49:12 PM
love the ability to rest between encounters. I will have to retool for more healing instead of relying on potions- more time equals more spell casting instead of using insta heal potions :)

Dark Realm
5/5/2010 3:40:44 AM
so far i luv it, definately means i need some more priests and no problems ive seen at all.
5/5/2010 2:26:13 PM
Noticed that you no longer have a safe room to set up spells. You sometimes start and go right to combat can this be adjusted?

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