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Current thread: Mythic forums > Technical > Question about the summoning skill

5/22/2010 12:47:29 AM
I just put a point into summoning- i do not see that additional points in summoning really make a difference. Since the type of things summoned is determined by the other skills- earth, nature etc.

Does this mean that there is no need to ever have more than one point in summoning? If so- any chance i can get that point back?....
5/22/2010 10:11:19 AM
The lower of the two skills is used.

For example if you have nature magic 4, and summoning level 2, you will summon animals as if your nature magic was only skill 2.

If you then increase summoning to skill 3, and then 4, you will see the SP required dropping, since you would have both nature and summoning at higher levels.

If you then increased summoning to level 5, there would be no further SP reduction until you also increased nature magic. Summoning is a very powerful tool and accordingly is more difficult to master.

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